Tuesday, January 17, 2017

couple commissions i never got around to uploading...i was tempted to keep the axolotl...

Sunday, October 2, 2016

in no particular order, here are some doodles from the last 6 months or so... this blog has been horribly neglected, mostly due to school, but also due to other general life bullshit.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

It's been too long

Going to try to get back into painting at least once a week, but with a full load of classes already and two more starting in two weeks we'll see how that plan goes...

I pushed this one out last night/this afternoon as a giftart for the boyfriend, who is a huge fan of Big Trouble In Little China... elasticy-faced villains are fun to draw, but it just goes to show how out of practice I've gotten with my paints.

Sadly the gold acrylic didn't scan, but it looks pretty shimmery in person.

6x8 watercolor, acrylic, white gel pen

Friday, February 21, 2014

February art dump

Couple new paintings... well, not new. I'm just lazy about uploading stuff.  The top three were just for fun, the bottom, "Leo" was a gift art.

Monday, September 2, 2013

watercolor dump

Couple more images from the last year or so.  School and travel have prevented me from painting as much as i would like to, but them's the breaks.  

The red tiger was a gift aft, the phoenix was just a doodle because i like phoenixes.  The male lion duo was a commission, the green octopus is a rehash of an older painting that was done larger and in a different color, and was also a gift art.   Finally, the starwars chick was a commission... i think they're called twileks or something like that, but never having been a starwars fan, i couldnt tell you.




playing with chalk

bought some "chalk pastels" at the student bookstore... i think the "pastel" part is just wishful thinking on someone's part because they're more like pastel coloured chalk.  anyway, here's a deer.  

9x12 on strathmore paper (cant remember if i used bristol or vellum...)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

no paint, no water. just blood and tears.  (and sepia prismacolor pen for the outline.) scanned it while it was still reddish. much more brown now.