Saturday, January 30, 2010

tonight's painting. tried to follow the advice ive gotten about going more saturated with the watercolor rather than simply doing layers of what amount to tints. not sure how well it turned out and i'll probably go back and add more contrast to the horns and spikes, but i like the background at the very least. and, oddly, i dig the little flowers.

played around with some gouache this evening, which is a first for me. i was assured that this first painting would be the WORST PAINTING I EVER DO. its not quite that bad, but yeah, definantly not my favorite.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

second painting of the night. this one uses up the rest of the paper from the girl with the tea and cat. the mighty hunter is generally based on an iguana's body and a monitor's head, but i didnt study the anatomy of either, just kinda glanced over them while sketching, so im sure there's tons of errors. fun to paint nonetheless.

the butterfly is so doomed.

Monday, January 25, 2010

i am not entirely pleased with the way this turned out. actually, im nearly entirely displeased. hopefully i learned something nonetheless, posting it so everyone can have a giggle at my FailPainting. right. going to try to do another one now to make up for this utter fail.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

another experiment with color. this one didnt really turn out the way i wanted it to, but it was entertaining for an hour or two and hopefully i learned something. that, and ive always kinda liked the way "golden" tigers look. just not easy to replicate. o_o

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

tonight's painting... spent a little time working on a red dragon, but got bored with it so i painted a kudu. its green because i found a green col-erase pencil lying around and decided to do something with green lines.

i like kudu horns.

Friday, January 8, 2010

watercolor doodles

couple of quick watercolors i did last night. these are all on the same 9x12 page, so they're not that big... they're posted in the order i painted them, none took more than 15 minutes or so (though that's a rough guess, since i was watching tv while painting and taking long pauses to be horrified at what the host of Bizarre Foods was eating.)

looking at these simple doodles and the amount of time invested to get them even to this level shows me just how hard a month of not painting hits me. i ought to make painting something on a weekly basis some kind of newyears challenge.